Thursday, May 6

chew-ing ur gum (0_o)

Salam..yo sume..perg,lame dah x tulis blog,maklumlah x der idea...mujur blog ni blog family songo(xyah susah2 post hari2,confirm ad yg akn post nanti..ngeh3.).Nak dijadikan citer,,tengahari td setsuna(bkn name sbnar;penggemar gundam jer tau..hoho) mncetuskn stu persoalan indirectly kat ak time sblm msk hall..die ckp kite kene makan mase lect..bru mudah masuk mende2 yg doc ajar kat dpn nanti...huh?!how come>never thought bout diz ak pikir pnyer pkir, hbis bluehippo ngn 'tisu cortex' dlm skull ak kene still x jumpe reason yg membenarkan knyataan beliau.hoho..and u know wat...setsuna stated that,,.diz unrevealed truth method for learning only mayb work for him...(gile pnjang adject ..hehe)...wtheck!. haha..n ak still x tau bende nih boleh prove saintifik-ely ke x...haha...(x pentim pom..saje-jer menambah2).

then nk djadikan story,..time2 ak surf2 kat internet...tejumpe lak satu fact bout chewing gum aka sweet2 rubber(gula2 getah)...and act ni pom 1st time ak tau psl nih..hehe..there's research indicate that..chewing gum ni byk faedah die..(bende nih sume org tau)...cthnyer cam bleh ilangkan bau2 mulut esp klu korng x smpt nk brus gigi tp korng dah lewat nk pgi kls...chew-gum ni bleh help korng dlm situasi nih..(tp ak x galakkan yer n ak x pnah buat..hoho)..dan biasanyer yg chew-gum ni nmpk cam stylo .(ye ker?ak sdri pon x tau..haha)..Dan byk lg x smpat ak nk list kat sini...dah lari point yg ak nk ckp..ish3
berbalik semula kat research yg diiorng buat...diorng indicate tht chewing gum may be good for a number of things that include improve ur memory, stress reduction, increase focus and concentration n also manage weight...u know wat..finally ak jumpe jugak reason yg nk ckp bhwnyer ad pnjelasan saintifik utk persoalan td..(alaa,yg die ckp improve memory and increase conct. tu)..berikut adlah prove diorng..

Psychologists say, the chewing gum can help in improving memory and enhance cognitive powers. They found that people who chewed throughout tests produced significantly better scores than people who did not. There are a number of potential explanations for that.

The act of continuous chewing or moving of our jaw actually improves our memory. The activity in the area of our brain that is important for memory (the hippocampus) increases while people chew. Some research shows that insulin receptors in the hippocampus may be involved in memory. Chewing gum increases the glucose level which is body-and-mind fuel.

Chewing gum increases blood flow to the brain. Increased heart rate improves oxygen delivery to the brain which can enhance our cognitive powers. Some studies have reported that blood flow to the brain increases by as much as 25 percent to 40 percent during gum chewing. Also the act of chewing speeds up our heartbeat and blood pressure just enough to wake up both left-and right hemispheres to work together.

Chewing gum produces more oxygen, more glucose and disposal of more CO2. This is way chewing gum improves memory.

haha...walaupon scr physio nyer cam blurr still leh trime lar,trjawab gak ler method ko setsuna(bkn nme sbnr)..haha..n utk pnjelasan yg len tu..korng leh rujuk sini..and korng tau gak fact psl chew-gum ni yg korng leh aplikasi dlm kehidupan seharian korng..cth nyer cam time korng kupas2 kulit bawang tu..korng leh kunyah gula2 getah tok prevent air mata korng kuar.. haha..(kan dah kantoi..korng mmg suke cry2 mse kupas bawang kan..haha.)try lar..walopon ak sdrik lom tau keberkesanan method nih..hehe

dan act byk lg kot mende yg leh wat ngn chewing gum nih....oklar..ak pon dah letey hrp post kali nih ad bg info sket kat korn sume..haha...n tq for lending ur eyes n wasting ur time to read those thing tht i have post just now..hoho

salah satu situasi yg ak benci..anda bagaimana?

so long till we meet again.ngeh3

amaran:post ni mengandungi tokok-tambah yg melampau utk mnjadikan citer lebey gempak...haha

2 sermon of mummies:

Reen said...

yeke kalo tak nak nanges mase potong bwg kunyah chewing gum!
thanks 4 da info!

Anonymous said...

lom try ag...x leh leh lar klu cik reen_sofee nk try,may b work

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