Monday, February 16

Class Start

Guys,cuti dah habis. Time utk study. Results for Manchester students dah released. Congrat for those yg got excellent result. U all deserve it. For those yg not so good, try dis sem k. Dont give up yet. Perjalanan masih jauh. Belajar je dlu. Dont think about other things. Blaja blaja n blaja. Pas 2 blaja lg. Pas 2 ltih blaja g tido jap. Pas 2 bangun. Pas 2 mesti la 3 kan. Dah, melalut lak! The most important thing, berkorban lah sekejap utk kesenangan masa hadapan. For my housemates from regular program, bila result korang nak kuar ni. Pekehel fakulti tak release korang nye results lg ni. Xpela, kita plak yg lebih2. Dia org relax je.Kan? Xpela. Neway, gud luck la untuk housemate aku n bdak2 regular lain. Smoga result korang deboom. Mumtaz kesemua nya. Dah la. Need to do some readings. Otak dah cram cuti lama2. Ma'alis klau penggunaan bahasa tak sesuai. Cao............

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